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Visuals on Russia's Destiny
Such beautiful work and I feel fortunate that I can see what...
Russia's Manifest Destiny: Freeing Mankind of Hegemony
So straightforward – nothing complex while dealing wit...
The new book is killer. Every time one reencounters Pepe it&...
A Return of the major sovereign civilizational states
I am missing Batiushka and wonder if he is okay or writing a...
A Return of the major sovereign civilizational states
Edward, while I was away AHH could not keep his arms around ...
A Return of the major sovereign civilizational states
Amarynth: I must agree with you as I read you putting you...
A Return of the major sovereign civilizational states
Hi there Snow Leopard and thank you so much for your extensi...
The Mistral Blows for Empire in the Sahel
co-incidentally, today in canaduh i cannot access indian pun...
eCONomics Part VI: Money Creation and CBDCs - sticky
Thanks for your reply Amarynth and AHH. I was discussing thi...
eCONomics Part VI: Money Creation and CBDCs - sticky
You cannot believe one word from these sources. I wait for ...

Empire activates its suicide squads in Europe and in the Syrian desert

An excellent primer on who protects and nurtures ISIS and assorted “our good USUK terrorists” in the huge porous Syria-Iraq-KSA-Jordan desert.

The desperate beleaguered Empire (1) activates them against the Resistance Axis, and in response, (2) the Iraqi Resistance relentlessly and incrementally attrites the US bases in precisely this lawless four-state region populated by the compradore desert bedouins. These Salafi highwaymen and brigands would have long ceased to matter or be more than a nuisance (their traditional regional role for 10 millennia) if it were not for the US armed forces, who openly defend them and instrumentalize them on command.

PS — as noted, in addition to squatting and stealing Syrian oil/water/breadbasket to impoverish and to prevent rebuilding and development, the western armies (chiefly US and French bases) serve as placeholders for the rise of Erez Israel (Greater Unholy Israel, from the Nile to the Euphrates). As with gas off Gaza, they front the economic red cape, but it has ever been Eschatological, about defense of western Judeo-Christian Zionism. For this last project of the combined West, they sacrifice everything, including their reputation and posterity..

Al Tanf US base is located in the bottom lime-green half-circle, at the junction of Syria, Iraq, and Jordan — the traditional land trade route between Iraq and Syria, and located within the Great Syrian Desert. This region is home to the inter-related desert bedouin tribes of the four Sykes-Picot created states, the imperial pool of proxies..

Another unsaid objective is to sever China’s Silk Road. This ancient caravan route passed by Al Tanf and Palmyra on its way to Damascus and the Eastern Mediterranean. This informs China’s defense of Syria and the Resistance to unblock intolerable obstacles built by Zio-USUK.

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3 months ago

The dirty little secret that the United States wants to cover up:


Reviving ISIS: A US weapon against the Resistance Axis

3 months ago

Lets hope the attacks on uSA Bases in Syria are stepped up to a level that the uSA has to withdraw very soon. Please hit the fuckers so hard they can’t resist.

3 months ago

Thank you for this, AHH. Looking forward to listening to Kevork’s explanations, and these are some wonderful maps!

~~ all is well with Amarynth..good wishes to her.