Jeffrey Sachs: Understanding the Ukraine conflict (minidoc)
A mini-documentary on the background of the Ukraine conflict follows Jeffrey Sachs’ lecture at the Cambridge Union. The journey begins in the early 1990s and continues to the present day. The documentary features interviews and statements from world leaders along the way, shedding light on significant historical geopolitical events and questioning the narrative created.
However, the most important thing is not who is right but that there are understandable explanations for everything that has happened, and that these events are merely the result of a chain reaction of numerous events, the consequences of which we are now witnessing.
Jeffrey David Sachs is an American economist and public policy analyst who is a professor at Columbia University, where he was former director of The Earth Institute. He worked on the topics of sustainable development and economic development.
riyadh…the russians wore blue ties, & i wondered if sergej’s team were trolling.
Nah. Remember Gore Vidal?
“We live in the United States of Forget. Nobody remembers anything.”
It would be a waste of time for Lavrov’s team.
yes, gore vidal is sorely missed. the united states of amnesia. dear, n. hanrahan, regarding lavrov’s team, you are undoubtedly spot on. i agree fully, it harms one’s soul to stoop to embarrassing one’s lessers. although a shade of cobalt or cerulean may refer to their shared history’s pentimento. given… Read more »