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With big arrears in UN budget, the US again sets a negative example of ‘international leadership’

This is from Global Times. Resistance boils up everywhere.

Recently, Deputy Spokesman for the United Nations Secretary-General Farhan Haq revealed that the US currently owes a total of $2.8 billion, of which $1.5 billion is for the regular budget of the UN. As one of the UN’s most important members, the US’ nonpayment once again sets a negative example of “international leadership.”

As the world’s largest economy, the US’ long-standing failure to pay its UN dues cannot be ignored. For a superpower capable of spending billions of dollars to support wars, the $2.8 billion owed to the UN seems to be an insignificant figure. The selective attitude reflects the US’ stance on international rules: It supports those that serve its own interests while shirking the responsibilities befitting its great power status.

“US arrears in the UN regular budget weaken the UN’s role,” Lü Xiang, an expert on US studies and research fellow at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times. The UN’s operations heavily rely on dues revenue, and insufficient funding could hinder its ability to effectively advance humanitarian aid, peacekeeping operations, and other global agendas. Timely payment of dues is one of the most fundamental responsibilities of member states within the UN framework.

Financial strain has been a persistent issue for the UN. The US only pays its dues when it needs the UN’s support, as seen after the September 11 attacks when the US made its payments. However, today, with the UN failing to meet the US’ demands on resolutions related to the Ukraine crisis and the Israel-Palestine conflict, dues remain unpaid indefinitely. The US views its economic strength and position within the UN as a leverage, using arrears as a “master card” to compel the UN to align more closely with US positions and interests on international issues.

The US’ expenditures present a stark contrast: generous and swift contributions for war support versus extreme frugality when it comes to international organizations. In late 2024, the US Department of Defense announced a $988 million security assistance package for Ukraine, bringing its total aid since the start of the Russia-Ukraine conflict to $62 billion. “If the US were willing to allocate just a small fraction of the money that ultimately ends up in the pockets of American arms dealers to the UN, it would make a far greater contribution to the world,” Lü added.

For the US, responsibility can be selectively fulfilled, and obligations can be evaded. This exposes the US’ disregard for fulfilling its duties as a major power.

The US has always emphasized its “international leadership,” which stands in sharp contrast to its actions. This discrepancy not only highlights a loss of US international responsibility but also reinforces the world’s growing realization of the US’ indifference to multilateralism. It harms the US’ reputation, deepens developing countries’ mistrust toward the US, and erodes its credibility and moral foundation globally.

Amid the growing multipolarity in today’s international order and the strengthening of regional cooperation, the UN remains an indispensable platform for global governance. If the US continues to disregard the authority of the UN, its reputation in global governance will only continue to diminish.

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