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Saudi Arabia spearheads 'Arab alternative' to Trump’s ethnic cleansing plan for Gaza: Report
I want to highlight an issue here. After further discussions...
Saudi Arabia spearheads 'Arab alternative' to Trump’s ethnic cleansing plan for Gaza: Report
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Saudi Arabia spearheads 'Arab alternative' to Trump’s ethnic cleansing plan for Gaza: Report
It has nothing to do with religion… imo … Most o...
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How Communism Is Outcompeting Capitalism
How Communism Is Outcompeting Capitalism
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From Jeff J Brown – a new library and comments on terrorist designations

Jeff says: One hour after posting this, my website was attacked and shut down for 12 hours. Coincidence? You decide. What are they trying to hide from you? It’s an insult to all free-thinking adults!

Another website that posted this new library was shut down as well. As far as I can see both are up again. Here is Jeff’s writeup as well as his listing of all his extensive libraries.

There is a tremendous media whitewash now, where Israel is attempting to regain some kind of positive optics in the eyes of the world. We saw another whitewash similar to this when Syria was taken. I cannot stress enough how careful we have to be with these influences and how strongly we have to guard our mental faculties and our hearts (and our sites). On Trump’s side, he has said (or signed an executive order, there are so many that details are becoming vague), that all sympathizers or supporters of Hezbollah or Iran will be deported or otherwise dealt with. Ansar Allah (the home of the Houthis) is in the process of being classified as a foreign terrorist organization. The talk of democracy and freedom has all but disappeared and what is now de riguer or the soup de jour, is making the rest of world terrorists.

Fortress North America is getting weirder.

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