Money and Tech on Saturday
After a number of years of receiving the Godfree Roberts Here Comes China report, he has changed the format and it is now available on his substack but in four shorter segments per week:
A little story that I can tell: Years ago at The Saker Site, Godfree’s report was the first that I could include in The Saker site. I advocated for this and let Andrei know that we have to include China, and not only Russia and its environs. At that time it was a very big thing and I needed to be careful to NOT add another focus to a Russian-oriented site, and I could do only a little. I based my advocacy on the friendship between China and Russia geopolitically, and on the fast development of China, saying that it is the New World. In the meantime, I was begging Godfree on the other side, to let us have the report for free so that we could select a few pieces out of the report for posting on The Saker Site. All worked well, and both agreed and during the time I am sure that people signed up for this very reasonably priced report. That was a new eye-opener for me, as Godfree is a statistical reporter par excellence. Whatever I needed, I could ask him but suddenly I found that I could answer the questions. It was my first real foray into saying anything about China, although I had read, researched, and studied what was known then as The China Economic Miracle for approximately ten years already. Every week it was one of my most enjoyable tasks to select a few pieces from Here Comes China and as my confidence increased, I added my own slant but still based on the information from Here Comes China. Initially, I had to deal with the China detractors and haters on the site, but luckily my previous studies led to a small library on all the controversial issues such as Tiananmen. Very carefully I stuck my neck out and started telling the stories of the fascinating elephant migration a few years ago, and adding some information about people and culture. Then I joined the China Writer’s Group with extensive libraries and this group also recently increased in size with the addition of Seek Truth from Facts. They regularly also post my pieces and there are stimulating discussions. I bring this over here from time to time. It is a lovely cooperation.
Here Comes China has now morphed into a bigger one made up of four segments, a big step forward from what was a little report, but very good, at the outset. To see this development and growth makes me glad, and a signup to Godfree’s Substack will keep you in touch as well. I will still select only a few pieces from his work as usual. Here on, I post something China related (if it makes sense) practically daily, having mined the China Writer’s Group for the good YouTubes on English China reporters. And this is how I personally, and our site also grew in terms of solid Chinese information.
Here is the first selection from ‘Here Comes China, Money and Tech on Saturday’.
Finland no longer a major China-Europe hub after severing transit links with Russia and failing to acquire visa-free access to China.
(This makes me think of the saying FAFO – F*** Around, Find Out.)
China is installing the wind/solar equivalent of 5 nuclear power stations a week.
New supercomputing Internet creates a nationwide, Internet-based high-performance computing service environment.
July CREA environment snapshot:
- Thermal power generation declined further, hydro rebounded
- Coal imports continue rising, stockpiled.
- Fossil fuel consumption share declined in 2024 H1
- Iron and cement production continue to fall
- Steel industry reaches turning point.
- Wind and solar surge in clean energy bases
- New energy vehicle (NEV) market share continues increasing
- 35% of provincial capitals’ average PM2.5 exceeded the national standard
- Beijing topped 90th percentile of ozone over 12 months
- Beijing recorded highest levels of PM2.5 & ozone pollution
- NO2 fell in 80% of provincial capitals, PM2.5 still rising in northern China.
That is it for today. I hope Godfree keeps his traditional ‘Long Reads’ and I will keep on adding social information where applicable. The multipolar world increases in what seems to be small segments but if one looks back, suddenly everything is bigger.
Great article! Thank you for the back story! You had such a great stable of writers at the The Saker! Simplicius, Pepe Escobar, Michael Hudson, Ramin Mazaheri and Godfree Roberts were, and are, simply indispensable for understanding what’s going on in the world and offered a good balance to the… Read more »
And we still have them Richard, and have such back stories with basically everyone (excepting Simplicious). Some of course can be told and some not. At one stage, Pepe and I communicated and amused ourselves with small emails with Rock Lyrics only and we still ended up doing what we… Read more »
China is installing the wind/solar equivalent of 5 nuclear power stations a week.
Link doesn’t work for me.
Thanks Oscar .. I’ve asked Godfree to get us the correct link.
This is one commentary on the issue.