Three Book Reviews: Eurasia vs NATOstan by Pepe Escobar
Eurasia vs NATOstan book must be read. Following are three book reviews that I was instrumental in drawing together. I look forward to Pepe’s work with great anticipation and he automatically is first in my things to-do list.
Eurasia vs NATOstan is widely available and you can most probably find it in your favorite bookstore. Here is the Amazon link.
Eurasia vs NATOstan by Pepe Escobar: Book Review by Jeff J Brown
Building on previous catchy neologism book titles, Raging Twenties, Globalistan and Empire of Chaos, Pepe Escobar completes his Chronicles of Liquid War cycle with his latest masterclass, Eurasia vs. NATOstan. Diving into profound analysis and contextualization of the global zeitgeist, Pepe details how today’s headlines are simply a continuum along the West’s colonial empire timeline going back 500 years. NATOstan keeps us up to date on critical current trends and predictions for the 21st century, as evermore rapidly changing geopolitical shifts are shrinking this timeline by the day.
Jeff J. Brown – Author of The China Trilogy and Founder of Seek Truth From Facts Foundation/China Writers’ Group
Eurasia vs NATOstan by Pepe Escobar: Book Review by Amarynth
Pepe’s influence on geopolitical relations and discourse is profound and enduring. He challenges dominant paradigms and his interpretive touch is nuanced, colored with wisdom from philosophy, history of the world, music, and rock ‘n roll. The geopolitical landscape today is immensely complex with some of the world moving and some of the world staggering to a new order of multi- or pluripolarity. “Fate leads the willing and drags along the reluctant” says Seneca. In Eurasia vs NATOstan, Pepe shapes our understanding. His voice is a beacon for all of us seeking innovative approaches to studying and engaging with the world around us.
Pepe’s work is that of a luminary in the world realm, his expositions are brilliant and he challenges everything conventional and then challenges the unconventional. His writing displays a zest for life that sparkles throughout this book. I imagine I hear his rich laugh in the background. This unique perspective and talent depart from mainstream ideologies, inviting audiences to reevaluate traditional notions of global affairs. Rather than offer solutions, Pepe offers a keen insight, a talented descriptive approach that opens eyes. One’s own insights then become radical, new, and refreshed.
For instance, Pepe’s critiques of interventionist policies and advocacy for non-Western voices illustrate his commitment to reshaping our world and planet, within the multi-polarity stream that is advocated now by other luminaries in our world. The impact of Pepe’s voice extends beyond individual works. From the new envisaged monetary/financial system, through spiritual geopolitics and the long slow burial of pax Americana, he draws the lineaments of the Hegemon’s full hybrid war against BRICS and humanity. From Siciliy, through to the DPRK, from Bukhara to BRICS we seek the light and Pepe strides ahead and lights it! The moves and process on the world chessboard do not escape Pepe and he teases out what is real against the darkness of current insanity. In Eurasia vs NATOstan Pepe created the mirror for this process.
Eurasia vs NATOstan serves simply to be a catalyst by encouraging scholars and practitioners to explore unconventional viewpoints. To do this, and to do it creatively Pepe needs to create his dictionary, and thus we find delightful words and phrases such as “Exceptionalistan: A sardonic moniker for the self-pro-claimed “indispensable nation” perpetually engaged in its self-aggrandizing, unilateral crusades across the planet, leaving chaos and plunder in its wake.”
In conclusion, Pepe’s influence is profound and enduring.
Amarynth is an anti-imperialist activist, geopolitical writer and editor with
Eurasia vs NATOstan by Pepe Escobar: Book Review by Quan Lee
Pepe Escobar’s *EURASIA v. NATOstan* is the dazzling counterpart to *The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and its Geostrategic Imperatives* published in 1997 and written by Zbigniew Brzezinski (1928-2017). An image appears spontaneously in my mind. Darkness exists because Light exists. Light exists because Darkness exists. Yin & Yang. Perhaps more fundamentally, Darkness is the absence of Light. But to manifest in Space-Time-Energy-Matter, the dance of the phenomenal Dimension is needed and it is the dance of Light & Darkness.
Pepe Escobar’s book is a contemporary expression of the Classical Chinese idea of 大 一 统 (Da4 Yi1 Tong3) The Great Unity of Justice & Power.
The contrast between the 2 books is absolutely obvious. Zbigniew Brzezinski was using the language of Realpolitik upholding the plutocratic (even kakistocratic) mentality and intentions of his masters, smug dotards. Pepe Escobar is using the language of Realpolitik for describing and analyzing the aristocratic mentality and intentions coming from the Sovereign Civilizational States, especially from the 2 major Sovereigns at the helm of the coming changes not seen in a hundred years : President Xi Jinping of China and President Vladimir Putin of Russia.
I will let you enjoy and meditate on Pepe Escobar’s insights but I would like to highlight 11 chapters :
- Chapter 3 The New Communist Manifesto: Make Trade, Not War
- Chapter 4 Sergei Glazyev introduces the new world monetary/financial system
- Chapter 9 The Global South race to bypass the US dollar
- Chapter 11 Xi and Putin take the lead to bury Pax Americana
- Chapter 16 The Hegemon will go Full Hybrid War against BRICS+
- Chapter 17 The shape of things to come in Greater Eurasia
- Chapter 19 The definitive 21st century war is on; and it’s not a war on China
- Chapter 23 Central Asia: the prime battlefield in the New Great Game
- Chapter 27 Russia-China lay down the BRI-BRICS road map
- Chapter 28 The Eviction Notice is being written, and will come in four languages
- Chapter 29 Russia-China are on a roll
The Coda from Pepe Escobar’s book is the expression in Time of the Timeless idea of *the Invisibility of Ultimate Greatness* offered by *Living Centered on Infinite Awareness* 中 庸 Zhong Yong.
Dr. Quan Le went to medical school in Montreal and specialized in psychiatry. He has 20 years of practice in hospital settings and is in private practice since 2017. He is a Geopolitical analyst and an enthusiast amateur philosopher, especially epistemology and the philosophy of the Mind (East & West), World History, Literature and the Arts. He acts as an Advisor & lectures for Rising Tide Foundation.
well done on reviews. The macro, the micro and the Tao. However, I protest! Pepe’s hopelessly biased, as a EUROPEAN man. As am I an African foreseeing Russia to soon change the lingo to “Afro-Asia.” Europe will soon make the Morgenthau Plan look like Utopia. And practical Russians remember the… Read more »
The series is “Chronicles of Liquid War”. I liked that!