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The Age of Interplanetary Exceptionalism
So-called US “Exceptionalism” is a favored wease...
Nico Cost
The soulless civilization
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The Age of Interplanetary Exceptionalism
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The Age of Interplanetary Exceptionalism
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Daily Chronicles
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Daily Chronicles
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Nico Cost
The soulless civilization
Great comment Snow Leopard. Two doors. Yes. It’s fun ...
Nico Cost
The soulless civilization
Yes Steve, but it’s not only that earthly stuff, it...
Nico Cost
The soulless civilization
Great comments (both) Dimitar, thank you.
Nico Cost
The soulless civilization
The question may be whether soul can be labeled as good or b...

The shock and awe of yesterday, and then the inauguration

No, I was not shocked, or scared or wanting to run around pulling my hair out. It is to my surprise that people (people that know the score and are actively commenting or writing or are video makers and content generators/creators on geopolitical issues) are shocked and scared).

If many of our fellows are shocked and scared I must say that they are perhaps in the wrong business.

Let’s see, did Putin threaten nuclear action? Oh no, he announced excercises, snap drills, on the use of tactical nuclear weapons in the Southern district (the district that is responsible for the Ukraine). And why? Because the western so- called leaders got totally out of their boxes and are literally and without the knowledge and in a spate of utter stupidity, creating something like the Cuban missile crisis to try and force Russia to act in the way they want, i.e. a big big Ukraine war. They are unhinged and they will not be allowed an unending cycle of escalation.

Putin wanted to shock them out of their gourds! He put the idiots back in the asylum. Putin or Russia does not want to start a nuclear war – GOD FORBID! It is the David Camerons and the person who published that the French Foreign legion is in or going to the Ukraine, that Putin was after. As well as the responsible people around that has the ability to shut these chattering idiotic magpies down! One simply does not say these things because Russia is bound and responsible to respond. Putin simply showed them how the game is played in the adult room and they are all holding their seating areas with both hands while a raft of other European countries are spilling the beans saying, ‘It is not I that have troops where they should not be’ (frequently lying but at least, it is an adult game).

It is not you and I that need to be scared and in shock. But for the challenges of our daily lives, we’re fine like a ripe, succulent and fragrant peach.

We should be laughing and jeering at the Brit and the Frenchie that were summonsed to an erstwhile ‘come to jesus’ meeting by the Russian MFA. We should be shouting at the US Ambassador to Russia who is quickly sneaking back home for a visit. And there is a bunch of others that are fandancing as well as if they are innocent as lambs. Alexander Mercouris has all the names and details but these idiots will be gone soon. He works hard at tedious detail. So don’t be scared.

Scott Ritter had a good interview with the judge also saying that it does not get more serious than this and of course, Putin is not bluffing. If these idiots continue to a level more intolerable for Russia, there will be a price to pay and some of the European nuclear installations will cease to exist. A carpet bombing with nukes, no Putin did not promise that. He is not even thinking of the big ones here – just a few tactical ones right up the kazoos (that is their butts) of a few idiots will do nicely.

Don’t be scared and don’t be worried. What an inauguration! Hey idiots, I have a special nuke, a lil tiny one just for idiots like you. Now, let’s get inaugurated (did you all see those smashing motorbikes) and follow on with the business of Russia, while Xi Jinping is doing a similar task as Putin, very differently, and much subdued, in Europe.

Viva! Got an idiot Kazoo? Be afraid, be very afraid. This is the kind of idiocy that SmoothieX12 speaks about.


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