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A man named Cohen with Trump on Putin and Xi Jinping
It’s waste of time to care what American regime is in ...
A man named Cohen with Trump on Putin and Xi Jinping
“spread democrazy on his business sandwich…̶...
A man named Cohen with Trump on Putin and Xi Jinping
Haahaaa a… you’re funny! It certainly has becom...
Daily Chronicles - sticky
What on earth is ZeroHedge doing posting complete crap like ...
Daily Chronicles - sticky
My apologies to ZH – it seems he was arrested but sti...
Statement: Russia and China Summit
OK, this is long and of course, it contains a myriad of thin...
Daily Chronicles - sticky
Max Blumenthal: The Occupation Comes Home on Judge Nap chron...

Zelensky and the ‘Israel Model’

Is this a Zelensky fever dream or a real possibility that is being discussed?

Kiev would risk losing international support if the conflict spills over into Russian territory, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky said in an interview on Sunday.

When journalist Natalia Moseichuk asked him if the conflict should “be transferred to the territory of Russia”, the president replied: “That would entail a great risk , we would be left alone.”

In addition, Zelensky did not rule out that a change in leadership in the United States could lead Washington to abandon its international commitments. “There are several elements that can divide American support , and one of them is the election,” he declared. In this sense, Zelensky called on Ukraine to “mature” and know that “at some point it can be alone; a partner can separate from Ukraine due to certain internal or political or electoral processes.”

He also insisted that Kiev is prepared for a “long fight” against Moscow, noting that the Ukrainian conflict could turn into something similar to the Israeli one. “We are prepared to fight a long war without wasting people […] By minimizing casualties, like Israel, you can live like this,” he said.

It is also possible that in the near future Kiev will have the “Israeli model ” of military support, Zelensky said. According to the president, security guarantees for Ukraine in such a case should be based on sanctions, funding and the necessary weaponry, including air defense systems and aircraft.