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The Age of Interplanetary Exceptionalism
So-called US “Exceptionalism” is a favored wease...
Nico Cost
The soulless civilization
When we read a text, we see some things and some things we d...
The Age of Interplanetary Exceptionalism
With any luck shares Tiktok of will crash and Zhang will get...
The Age of Interplanetary Exceptionalism
It does appear doomed. More trustworthy alternatives exist, ...
Daily Chronicles
Re: “I don’t know what to say about Saudi Arabia and...
Daily Chronicles
Ohio elected a Moreno that is a rubio, unless we go just by ...
Nico Cost
The soulless civilization
Great comment Snow Leopard. Two doors. Yes. It’s fun ...
Nico Cost
The soulless civilization
Yes Steve, but it’s not only that earthly stuff, it...
Nico Cost
The soulless civilization
Great comments (both) Dimitar, thank you.
Nico Cost
The soulless civilization
The question may be whether soul can be labeled as good or b...

Perfidious Albion and Perfidious America

With thanks to Batiushka, our writer

Introduction: Perfidy

The word ‘perfidious’ has many synonyms: deceitful, untrustworthy, duplicitous, disloyal, faithless, false, traitorous, treacherous. The term ‘Perfidious Albion’ has been used by the French of the British since at least the thirteenth century and later by many other nationalities (1). Why? Where does this view come from?

Part One: The Perfidious British Empire

There exists an extensive interview with Grand Duchess Olga (1882-1960), the sister of the last Russian Tsar, who spent most of her life in very modest exile, in England, Denmark and Canada. Here she says that she loved and respected English people, but had no time at all for the monsters who governed them (2). Her view of the gulf between the elite and the people in Britain only reflects reality.

Thus, when the British Empire disappeared after 1945, it became apparent that ordinary people in Britain really knew nothing about what had been done overseas in their name for the previous four centuries. Even today, few in the UK, especially in England, know that the Tudor ‘hero’, Sir Francis Drake, was nothing but a State-sponsored murdering thief, like all ‘privateers’. Few know about the massacres of Aborigines and the complete extinction of Native Tasmanians, who were hunted down ‘like rabbits’. Few know about the British Establishment’s ‘Opium Wars’ against China, the salt hedge in India or the millions who died in the Bengal famine in the 1940s, or then the disaster of Indian Partition. Tens of millions died in these events alone.

Few know about the fatal role of British political meddling which contributed to the massacres of the First and Second World Wars and to the regime change in Russia in February 1917, sparked by the British assassination of Gregory Rasputin (3), and falsely called ‘the Russian Revolution’. Few know about the concentration camps or tortures used by the British Army against the Boers, Malaysians, Kenyans and Greek Cypriots in the twentieth century. As a result, few are conscious of how hated the British were, and to some extent still are, all around the world, almost all the countries which have been invaded by British forces at the behest of the British Establishment, at some point or another (4). Between the 1940s to 1970s British flags were lowered around the Empire as British administrators were kicked out of their colonies and native people said to them the words: F… off. For many, it was the only thing they had learned from generations or centuries of tyrannical and exploitative British rule.

Some will object to these ‘excuses’, pointing out, for example, that British people must have known about the enslavement of Africans, endorsed and encouraged by the slave-owning State Anglican Church, and they did not object to that. Of course, they did not object to it, they could not – they were themselves slaves. All through the Middle Ages, they had been serfs – another word for slaves – and after it, they ‘slaved away’ for a pittance on the land and in factories as wage-slaves, where they died young from awful living conditions, poverty and famine. Read Charles Dickens, if you do not believe me. Indeed, that was one of the motivations to leave Britain – to escape or ‘emigrate’ to ‘New Worlds’ where, they had been told, there was empty land and at last the chance to be free.

As a country, Britain had always been divided between the (Anglo-Celtic) people and the (Norman) Establishment elite. They were two different races who even spoke in different ways. The elite, which considered itself a superior race, ran the State (‘the Establishment’), the Army, the Law, the ‘Church’, later the Press and the upper middle-class BBC, and had their own schools and universities. Here we come to the explanation for the originally French and now generalised Non-British expression, ‘Perfidious Albion’. Now perfidy means hypocrisy, to promise one thing and to do another. And perfidy is exactly what the foreign ‘British’ elite with its mythical name has always done to its English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh subjects. It had some five centuries of practice at it after 1066 before it began to spread its poison to its worldwide Empire.

The Transfer

Some will say, all this is ancient history. The British Empire foundered in the First World War and in 1916 the Round Table, led by the Anglo-German arch-imperialist Alfred Milner (1854-1925), sought union with the USA. The British Empire only dragged on by inertia after that, going bankrupt in 1941 and becoming dependent on US dollars, finally collapsing after 1945 and meeting its final humiliation in Suez in 1956. This is true, but that is not the point. The point is that the perfidy and meddlesome and hubristic arrogance of the British Empire continues today – as the American Empire. The Empire has been passed from the Little Island to the Big Island. Today, it is an Empire, even though presidents like Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt and John Kennedy proclaimed they were against any American Empire. Really, the only difference is that the American Empire is not run by Normans, but by Neocons. Curiously, both words have six letters and begin and end with the same letter ‘n’. The continuity is here, the Norman elite became the Neocon elite.

Part Two: The Perfidious American Empire

Unlike the perfidious American elite, ordinary Americans have little idea where anything is outside North America. Ask the average American to position Afghanistan, Iraq or the Ukraine on a map, and they will fail utterly, even putting them on the wrong continent. After 1945 the US elite destroyed European empires, but then made its own instead. And today this is what it is fighting to create, ‘to the last Ukrainian’, fighting to complete their own Global Empire. The Neocon elite has no interest in the lives of Ukrainians or Russians, or for that matter of Poles or Lithuanians, or for that matter of Europeans. They are all ‘over there’, across the Atlantic and the Pacific, far away. And, to be frank, in their splendid isolation, they have little interest in the lives of ordinary Americans. Like all elites, they are narcissists, egoists and the people are goim, zombified sheeple.

Many European languages declare that ‘things go in threes’, ‘never two without three’, ‘God loves three’ etc. And so it is also in the case of the transfer of the Empire from the British Establishment to the Deep State. In 1914 the British elite’s media told its people of ‘plucky little Belgians’ and that German soldiers were killing Belgian babies (they failed to mention that Britain invented Belgium as a country and that the ‘Huns’ were not killing Belgian babies). In 1939 the same British Establishment spoke of ‘plucky little Poles’ (failing to mention that Poland was a militant Fascist Catholic State that had invaded Belarus and the Ukraine, oppressed its Non-Catholic peoples, especially Jews, as it had been doing for centuries, and had taken part in the annexation of Czechoslovakia together with Hitler, whose dominions it also wanted to invade).

And so today comes number three. The successor Empire elite’s media (The Washington Post, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, CNN etc etc) speak of ‘plucky little Ukrainians’, failing to mention the Kiev genocide of Russians in the Donbass since 2014, their massacre in Odessa, the oppression of all minorities, Polish, Romanian, Transcarpathian, the totally corrupt, mainly Jewish oligarchs who rule the country, like Poroshenko and Kolomoisky, the lack of any democracy and free political parties, the dreaded CIA-run SBU secret police, and the fact that Zelensky only got the job because he was an English-speaking actor.

In Victorian times, paranoid British imperialists took up Russophobia big time, invading Russia in 1854, imposing sanctions against it, invading and massacring in Afghanistan and Tibet, calling it ‘the Great Game’. In 1945 paranoid American imperialists simply took up Russophobia, inventing the new Great Game – ‘the Cold War’. And today, we see the third example, they have their ‘Hot War’ in the Ukraine. The only purpose of this is to destroy Russia and its Unity, so they can get their greedy hands on its enormous natural resources. That was the whole point for them of their 1917 Russian Revolution and the Civil War they helped create after 1917.

That was the whole point of their useful idiot, Evgeny Prigozhin, the forlorn hope that he would create a Civil War and destroy Russian Unity. Then they would move in, as they did in the 1990s and ‘privatise’ (i. e. steal) everything of monetary value. The conflict in the Ukraine, which began with the overthrow of the legitimate government in Kiev in 2014, is the US war to destroy Russia, and it is waging this war by supplying and arming Ukrainian cannon fodder, who are dying in their hundreds of thousands. The Neocons who are responsible for it are happy. So is their master Satan. He loves blood.

Conclusion: Masquerading as a Democracy

In 2014 the notorious US senator, John McCain (a street is named after him in Kiev), called Russia: ‘A gas station masquerading as a country’. Well, Russia-hating Senator, though you are dead now, it is time for you to know that today Russia is destroying a gas station masquerading as a democracy. It is known as the USA.



2. The Last Grand Duchess, Ian Vorres, 1964 and 2001

3. To Kill Rasputin, Andrew Cook, 2006



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1 year ago

“—–it is time for you to know that today Russia is destroying a gas station masquerading as a democracy. It is known as the USA.”

So true – & well said !

Steve from Oz
Steve from Oz
1 year ago

Thank you to Batiushka for acknowledging the significance of the Norman origins of the parasitism we know as liberalism today. The ruthlessness of the Norman response to English resistance to the Conquest shocked Europe — it was the response of a transplanted power that saw the native people as sub-human,… Read more »

N Hanrahan
N Hanrahan
1 year ago

“Really, the only difference is that the American Empire is not run by Normans, but by Neocons. Curiously, both words have six letters and begin and end with the same letter ‘n’. The continuity is here, the Norman elite became the Neocon elite.” “NN” is used in chess (game) databases… Read more »