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The Age of Interplanetary Exceptionalism
So-called US “Exceptionalism” is a favored wease...
Nico Cost
The soulless civilization
When we read a text, we see some things and some things we d...
The Age of Interplanetary Exceptionalism
With any luck shares Tiktok of will crash and Zhang will get...
The Age of Interplanetary Exceptionalism
It does appear doomed. More trustworthy alternatives exist, ...
Daily Chronicles
Re: “I don’t know what to say about Saudi Arabia and...
Daily Chronicles
Ohio elected a Moreno that is a rubio, unless we go just by ...
Nico Cost
The soulless civilization
Great comment Snow Leopard. Two doors. Yes. It’s fun ...
Nico Cost
The soulless civilization
Yes Steve, but it’s not only that earthly stuff, it...
Nico Cost
The soulless civilization
Great comments (both) Dimitar, thank you.
Nico Cost
The soulless civilization
The question may be whether soul can be labeled as good or b...

The Denazification of the West

With thanks to Batiushka, our writer

The Background

Under the duress of US despotism, spineless Western politicians agreed to weaponise the Ukraine. What should have finished in March/April 2022 has been prolonged by Western arms to the end of 2023 and maybe longer – with devastating consequences for the Ukraine and for the West. Indeed, the current war to decolonise or take back the Ukraine out of its US occupation has now reached a critical phase. The Kiev regime offensive (so-called ‘counter-offensive’) against the Russian-led liberation of the Ukraine is the Kiev regime’s last throw of the dice. However, it has been a disaster for US-trained Ukrainian cannon-fodder and US-paid mercenaries, whose electronic chatter in Polish, English and French is constantly picked up by Russian services.

The present failed offensive will sooner or later be followed by the US puppet Zelensky being thrown under the bus, just as the Americans threw their Afghan ‘allies’ under the bus two years ago. The excuse? ‘We did our best, trained them and gave them all the equipment they needed, but they were just not up to the job’. Obviously, no-one in the White House will take responsibility for yet another US failure. They never have done. Meanwhile, those gangsters in the White House continue to bully the Non-Western world, which refuses to bow to its absurd threats. Though they try to intimidate Africa, India, Brazil, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, all are united against their menaces and continue undaunted. Personally, I did not think I would live to see this.

The Deweaponisation of the West

On 13 June ( President Putin stated that the offensive had in just nine days cost the Kiev regime 160 tanks and 360 armoured vehicles, about 25-30% of the vehicles given to Kiev by the West. However, speaking at the World Economic Forum in Saint Petersburg on 16 June (, he updated this to 186 tanks and 418 armoured vehicles. On 18 June ( another 33 tanks and 65 armoured vehicles had been destroyed. Figures for Kiev troop casualties and mercenaries seem to be at least 10,000 dead, and we do not include those obliterated with their equipment by long-range Russian missiles. Already on 13 June ( Berlin stated that it would be unable to replace the many lost Leopard tanks, at least one of which was captured by the Russian freedom-fighters. Although other foreign tanks, both French and Soviet, have been destroyed, there has been no news so far on losses of British Challenger tanks, which are also basically as old-fashioned as the Leopards. As regards Russian losses, the President stated that these were one tenth of the Kiev losses.

Indeed, on 16 June the notoriously Russophobic BBC confirmed this, stating that since February 2022 the pro-Russian forces had suffered at least 25,000 losses (including 13,000 ex-convicts who had been fighting in the Wagner group). These losses, given by a notoriously anti-Russian source and its censorious journalists, are very low when compared to Kiev KIA losses, estimated by reliable sources at between 250,000 and 350,000 – though, naturally, these are never mentioned by the BBC. This suggests that the ratio of Russian to Kiev losses may even be as low as 1:14, rather than 1:10. On 16 June President Putin also pointed out that Warsaw has been hiding the very high losses of Polish mercenaries, numbering thousands. We can now clearly see that one of the three Russian aims, the Demilitarisation of the Ukraine, has become the Demilitarisation or Deweaponisation of the West. And this is happening in the Ukraine right now.

The Denazification of the West

The Deweaponisation of the Ukraine, transformed by Western intransigeance (called ‘non-agreement capability’ in Russian) into the Deweaponisation of the West, is, however, only the second of Russia’s three aims, the first of which was the liberation of the Russian East of the Ukraine. For the West’s weapons consist not only of military equipment, but also of financial ‘equipment’. In other words, its ‘equipment’ also consists of its illegal sanctions and the global dollar economy. Both these have been bypassed by Russia through the huge support it has received from the Non-Western world with its increasing non-dollar economy and the coming move to the petroyuan as the world reserve currency. However, in order to effect its third aim, the Denazification of the Ukraine, Russia has now also been obliged to effect the Denazification of the West, for the Kiev regime has swallowed the Western Nazi bait wholesale. What does this ‘Denazification’ consist of?

The Nazi ideology is not about long ago German racism. Nazism is far broader than that. Nazism is the whole ideology of Western superiority, the concept that the Western world is the only one that counts, that as the Rest are inferior to it, the West has the tyrannical right – and delusional pride – to destroy all other Civilisations and cultural values by imposing its own on them, through organised violence, racial arrogance, economic blackmail and cultural bullying. How did this come about? Where did this all come from? Anyone who knows the West knows that there is great variety among its peoples and that very many Western people do not share in this hubris. From classic Western culture, who would call Dante and Michelangelo, Shakespeare and Moliere, Cervantes and Goethe, Heine and Dickens, Chopin and Liszt, Puccini and Verdi, Bach and Strauss, Hugo and Renoir, Dvorak and Grieg, Yeats and Joyce, Sibelius and Elgar, Nazis? Nobody. So where did this Western culture of Nazism appear from?

The Loss of Western Spiritual Identity

Any Civilisation is dependent on its essential spiritual and so philosophical and cultural values. Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism are the four most important belief systems in the world and account for some 75% of the world, though there are also many smaller ones, such as Taoism, Sikhism and the very small Judaism. Now, although it later deviated into the denominational forms of Catholicism and Protestantism, the Western world began as part of Christian Civilisation. Nevertheless, though both denominations have added and taken away, they still share several basic Christian values. Over the last hundred years and more, arguably since 1914 when Western elites massacred the flower of their own youth in the trenches, though others would say before this and others would say more recently, the Western world has denied even those basic Christian values, the pillars on which it had built its Civilisation.

Firstly, the Western world lost, or rather renounced, its own Spiritual and Civilisational Identity, that is to say, its belief in Christ. It lost its Faith in its own foundation stone. Denying Him as the Risen Son of God and dismissing Him as a mere man and even sometimes rejecting that He had ever existed, it destroyed all faith in its own raison d’etre. Why did it exist any more? For example, it sold its Bibles to Native Americans and Africans, but then stole their lands and resources. What example did those people see in the West? What was the Western ideology worth? It became clear that the West was not Christian, but Capitalist, its only interest was financial gain and its reductionist forms of Christianity were only camouflage. Therefore, it no longer had any spiritual and ideological foundation.

The Loss of National and Family Identities

Secondly, the various Western nations lost their National Identity, that is their Sovereignty. They began to merge not simply into one another, but into an anonymous and homogenous American world. Today, you can visit cities, airports and stores in Western Europe and you may well have no idea where you are. They all look the same, they all have the same transnational and transcorporate look and content. Western Europeans increasingly eat, drink and dress exactly like Americans and watch American films and television. The example of this is the US-modelled EU, which is supposed to be the United States of Europe, a single subservient part of the USA with the same dollar-pegged currency, in other words, little more than a set of client banana-republics.

Thirdly, the Western world is now in the process of destroying Family Identity through Transgenderism. By undermining and destroying the basic building block of any Civilisation, the Family, and proclaiming that there are no longer two sexes, male and female, as God made them, it is ensuring its own death. Where will the men to provide the seed come from? Where will the women to carry children and give birth come from? Transgenderism is the last step in the end of Western Civilisation. It is suicidal, as we can see in the large-scale population replacements by immigrants which have taken place in Western Europe and have so accelerated over the last fifty years.

The Role of Russian Civilisation in Possible European Restoration

In the twentieth century Russian Civilisation was almost completely destroyed by the Western-orchestrated overthrow of the remnants of its Non-Western, non-reductionist, traditional Orthodox Christian Civilisation. The latter was then overthrown by the Western ideology of Marxism, a piece of ideological idealism which utterly failed because it never took into account human nature, that is, reality, specifically Spiritual Identity, National Identity and Family Identity. In the last thirty years, however, the remnants of Russian Civilisation have slowly and painfully been restoring their spiritual roots in Russian Orthodoxy. This very slow return to Orthodox Christianity means that Russia is returning to the same roots that the Western world once possessed, albeit long ago. This means that it is returning from that terminus towards which the West is now heading.

In other words, today Russia and the West are like two trains passing each other, but heading in two different directions. The Russian train is coming from its terminus and heading towards the restoration of its Spiritual Civilisational Identity, of National Identity and Sovereignty and of Family Identity, all of which it almost lost in the years of Marxism. After experiencing the Western deviation of Marxism, today’s Russia is utterly opposed to the narcissistic LGBT elites of the New West, but utterly in favour of the peoples of the Old West and their potential return to their spiritual roots in an untarnished Christianity. The symbol of that New West is its leader, President Biden. He should not be in the White House, elected President only because his senility guarantees that he can be manipulated by those behind him. Rather he should be in a nursing home with mental health care. So should all Western leaders, because they all suffer from the selfsame mental aberration, known as Nazism – the Western superiority complex.


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Steve from Oz
1 year ago

Again, a great piece from Batiushka, but I have to question this — “Marxism, a piece of ideological idealism which utterly failed because it never took into account human nature, that is, reality, specifically Spiritual Identity, National Identity and Family Identity.” All the work Marx did was aimed at rescuing… Read more »

1 year ago

“So should all Western leaders, because they all suffer from the selfsame mental aberration, known as Nazism – the Western superiority complex.”   It’s not just Western regime leaders that suffer from the delusions of Western moral superiority. It’s the vast majority of Western citizens and people. The West is… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by xvfsb
Mr P
1 year ago

“…not Christian, but Capitalist, its only interest was financial gain and its reductionist forms of Christianity were only camouflage. Therefore, it no longer had any spiritual and ideological foundation…” I have listened to an Anglican sermon just along these lines, to a wealthy congregation of a miserly character. I’d like… Read more »

Salt Dawg
1 year ago

Nice article – very clear and concise in explaining the modern spiritual change process in its various facets. Thanks Batiushka. Probably the best explanation of modern Nazism I’ve seen: The Nazi ideology is not about long ago German racism. Nazism is far broader than that. Nazism is the whole ideology… Read more »

Steve from Oz
1 year ago
Reply to  Salt Dawg

Yes, that definition of Nazism is excellent — I’ve made a note of it.

Robert Italia
1 year ago

Biden wasn’t elected. He was installed much like Zelensky. America is run by the anti-Christian, degenerate, Rules-Based cabal you described appropriately. And much of the country approves of the return to Old Western values.