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The Age of Interplanetary Exceptionalism
So-called US “Exceptionalism” is a favored wease...
Nico Cost
The soulless civilization
When we read a text, we see some things and some things we d...
The Age of Interplanetary Exceptionalism
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The Age of Interplanetary Exceptionalism
It does appear doomed. More trustworthy alternatives exist, ...
Daily Chronicles
Re: “I don’t know what to say about Saudi Arabia and...
Daily Chronicles
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Nico Cost
The soulless civilization
Great comment Snow Leopard. Two doors. Yes. It’s fun ...
Nico Cost
The soulless civilization
Yes Steve, but it’s not only that earthly stuff, it...
Nico Cost
The soulless civilization
Great comments (both) Dimitar, thank you.
Nico Cost
The soulless civilization
The question may be whether soul can be labeled as good or b...

June 2023: Satan Laughs With Delight

With thanks to Batiushka, our writer


The Background

The early June wildfires in Canada spread their smoke to large parts of North America and further still. New York was in smoke and by the evening of 9 June the orange haze had actually crossed the Atlantic on the jet stream and spread to London, England. Meanwhile, unseasonable weather hit Spain and Italy with drought and Venice’s canals turned to mud and trickles of water.

On the same day, 9 June, ex-President Trump was charged on 37 criminal counts and will have to face at least four court cases. If found guilty, he could face up to ten years in prison for treason. Also on 9 June, in the strike-bound and economically very depressed UK, his younger clone, disgraced ex-Prime Minister Johnson, resigned from the London Parliament before he could be sacked for lying, as he would have been. The word ‘corruption’ is floated in both Washington and London. Both countries face elections at the end of next year. Is this common turbulence a sign of ‘the special relationship’? People pointed to the smoke from the wildfires of North America as symbols of this. The air is unbreathable in more ways than one.

Meanwhile, two weeks ago Germany, the manufacturing and scientific engine of the suicidal EU, entered recession and then the 20 countries of the Eurozone joined it. They sanctioned themselves, not Russia. The US-driven EU is utterly divided about the war in the Ukraine and issues like illegal immigration. Its military wing, the feeble US-driven NATO, also headquartered in Brussels, is no less divided, not least about its extension to Japan, but also about continuing to send useless aid to the Ukraine. Even NATO has refused Kiev membership of NATO for at least as long as the war against Russia lasts – if NATO itself lasts that long. It is against this chaotic background that German tanks are burning on the steppes of the Ukraine….

Meanwhile, Dam-nation Pokes the Bear

In 2014 Victoria Nuland boasted that the overthrow of the democratically-elected government in the Ukraine, planned over years, had only cost the US taxpayer $5 billion in all. Value for money, she claimed. True, it was cheap – when compared to how much the Kiev regime is costing the US taxpayer today, well over $5 billion a month.

On Sunday 4 June, Orthodox Christian Pentecost, the Kiev forces finally launched their ‘spring’ offensive. After an impatient two-month wait with spring turned into summer, the Western paymasters of Kiev could no longer wait to see a return on their $100 billion + investment. The Kiev regime had to obey and began its suicidal offensive with ‘probing attacks’. In other words, it sent its reserves into the lion’s mouth first, as cannon fodder. On the night of 9th and 10th June, however, Kiev launched a massive offensive with its best troops and NATO equipment. The result was the same. In just a few days Kiev has lost over 8,000 soldiers killed and some 400 armoured vehicles, including many much-vaunted Western tanks, which are no match for Russian missiles, drones and artillery. The trains are arriving in Kiev, packed with the dead and wounded….According to the tightly-controlled Western media President Zelensky has ordered everyone not to believe any negative stories; they are ‘Russian propaganda’. Interestingly, the Western media never recommend their zombified customers not to believe anything Zelensky says because it is ‘Ukrainian propaganda’. Is that because his lines are scripted by the same Western MSM that script his Ukrainian propaganda?

Therefore, during the first week of June, in desperation, Kiev blew up the Novaya Khakhovka dam, exactly as they had quite openly been threatening to do since last October. The Washington Times reported it at the time, and many will remember that the Russians evacuated the western side of Kherson at that time, precisely because of the Kiev threat. Dam-nation indeed.

The Future of the Ukraine

Following attacks on Russian Belgorod, on 8 June Denis Pushilin, the interim head of the Donetsk Republic, declared that Russia would now have to take over the whole of the Ukraine. Given that Kiev is shelling Russia itself, the liberation of the new Russian provinces is not enough. The West has armed the Kiev regime with missiles with a range of 500 km. Logically, therefore, the present borders must be moved back by 500 km, so that Kiev can no longer attack Russia.

Pushilin added that the River Dnieper would be a natural border initially and that some far western provinces should be returned to Poland, Romania and Hungary – those stolen by Stalin during the Second World War. In his statements Pushilin explained that the Kiev regime is a purely puppet regime and that the controlling West has no intention of ever establishing a free and prosperous Ukraine. Russia would clearly be happy to follow his statements through. Most anti-Russian Ukrainians have already either been killed or have exiled themselves to Western Europe. The remaining ones can now be sent to the far west, to live under Polish rule. We shall see how they like that.

The remnant Ukraine, perhaps reduced to about a third of the Communist Soviet Ukraine, whose absurd borders are so vigorously being defended by the Capitalist Western elite, will be independent, but militarily and ideologically neutralised. Indirect control will be exercised by the fact that the future Ukraine will be landlocked, cut off from Russian Odessa and the southern Black Sea coast, as well as from the industrial east which has largely already been liberated by Russia. If so, then Russia will take back its nine provinces and the New Ukraine will keep nine provinces.

On the Threshold of a New World

The operation in the Ukraine is of course only the most visible part of far greater planetary changes. I am referring to the alliance of Russia, China and Iran, the outbreak of peace in the Middle East, with Saudi Arabia, Syria and Iran all finding an equilibrium again, the expansion of BRICS to include perhaps ultimately all the Free (= Non-Western) world and consequent dedollarisation. However, even within the world controlled by the Western oligarch elite, there is revolt among Europeans. The peoples of Europe especially are beginning to see through the lies of the elite with their NATO, the North Atlantic Terrorist Organisation.

Strangely enough, even some in Poland are beginning to understand that their country has all along been used by Washington and London as cannon fodder, just as in the Second World War, a land sacrificed so that Hitler would get access to attack Bolshevism. Today Free Russia is offering Poland the possibility to get back the provinces it lost to the Soviet Ukraine under Stalin. These are Volyn, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil and Rivne. Some in Poland want these regions or ‘kresy’ back. Russia will be only too happy to oblige – on condition of their demilitarisation. Once Poland declares it wants them back, Romania and Hungary will want their provinces back, respectively the Kiev-oppressed Chernivtsy (perhaps in exchange for Romania renouncing any support for Moldova’s false claim to Transdnestria) and Kiev-oppressed Transcarpathia. (See the Polish-language map at the head of this article). No fewer than seven western provinces of the Soviet Ukraine could be gone and the historical injustices of Stalin righted.

However, if this happens, then NATO will be even more divided, after NATO members have taken back lands from the Ukraine, just like Russia, and leaving NATO ready to collapse. The Eastern European example could persuade the pathetically weak leaders of France and Germany to start negotiating with Russia against the tyrannical Americans.

Delusion and Reality

On 12 June the ex-Prime Minister of Slovakia, Peter Pellegrini, confirmed what others had been saying already, that European arms stocks are at zero and it will take 5-10 years to make up for everything sent to Kiev for destruction by Russia on Washington’s orders. In the face of reality, it is not difficult to conclude that the Western elite is delusional – though one of them at least can be excused, since he has dementia. But then he is only a puppet of the oligarchs.

Now we see why the Iranians call the US elite the Great Satan, for one of the clearest signs of Satan’s presence is delusion. No, the US oligarch class and its neocon ideologues are not the source of freedom, democracy and light, but the source of tyranny, chaos and darkness – and this worldwide. In order to advance their agenda of imperialism (‘globalism’, in fact US ‘rules-based order’), corporatism (‘free enterprise’, in fact ruthless exploitation) and wokeism (‘personal freedom’, in fact immoral degeneracy), the Western oligarchs will stop at nothing, at least not until the last Ukrainian is dead.

As the Western oligarchs get richer, the majority of people all over the Western world, become ever more obese, infantile and immature, manipulated and zombified by the oligarchs’ social and other media. As the American singer Don McLean prophetically sang over fifty years ago: ‘And as the flames climbed high into the night to light the sacrificial rite, I saw Satan laughing with delight’. He does indeed, he loves suffering, blood and death. The neocons are his faithful servants. They will receive their due reward from him.

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Garouda Hanouman
Garouda Hanouman
1 year ago

Very good paper, in the remainder of Ukraine, maybe the oblast of Kirovohrad could also be part of Russia…

Colin Maxwell
Colin Maxwell
1 year ago

Awesome work Batiushka – BRAVO!

1 year ago

What an excellent piece of writing, again, Batiushka. Your title and “Now we see why the Iranians call the US elite the Great Satan, for one of the clearest signs of Satan’s presence is delusion” are so well put and accurate. It seems many people have forgotten, abandoned really, God… Read more »

1 year ago

beautifully written, batiushka, thank you. re: lviv, volyn, ivanofrankisk, temopil, & rivine; russia knows & has stated many times that empire is not agreement capable. will russia believe the condition of demilitarisation will be respected? it’s possibly this concern which causes many observers to now suggest russia must hold the… Read more »

1 year ago

Very good. War MUST continue until the last Nazi/Germ will be killed. The Drang Nacht Osten Must stop and will be. Drang Nacht Wasten is in progress.Till to the Rhine. Victory celebratation in Berlin.