We Are All In The Donbass Now
With Thanks to Batiushka, our writer
Introduction: A Famous US Citizen Summarises the Insanity of the US Elite
When Robert F. Kennedy Jr. became a Democratic candidate for the 2024 US Presidential contest, he declared that he had been motivated by the fact that the Democratic Party is ‘becoming the party of war, the party of censorship, the party of fear, and the party of neocons and of Wall Street’. In a recent podcast he also explained to the brainwashed US public that the ‘real story’ in the Ukraine started in 2014, when ‘the US government and, in particular, the neocons in the White House and elsewhere, participated in and supported the overthrow of the democratically-elected government of the Ukraine’.
He continued: ‘They helped to install in Kiev a very anti-Russian government. This government started enacting a series of laws that turned the Russian populations of the Donbass region into second-class citizens. They illegalised, essentially, their language and culture, and then, ultimately, began killing them’. He added that the Ukraine conflict could have been settled if the Minsk accords of 2014 had been followed, but instead Washington had integrated Ukrainian forces into NATO – something that the Russian President had said was a red line. The failure to listen and even to patronise Russia in March 2014 as a mere ‘gas station masquerading as a country’ (McCain) and ‘a regional power’ (Obama), was what helped lead Russia to start its Special Military Operation in February 2022 to liberate those people’.
‘All of Washington’s decisions since the hostilities in Ukraine escalated in early 2022 have been about prolonging the violence and bloodshed of a war of attrition and have dismissed the many opportunities to end the war’. ‘The Russians cannot lose in Ukraine, as this is existential to them’, said Kennedy, adding that the US, which has been sending huge amounts of weapons to the Ukraine, does not have the ability to replace the arms destroyed. Kennedy said the Kiev regime cannot survive without US support and questioned the very need for NATO. ‘The principal job of a President of the United States is to keep the nation out of war’, he said.
The Three Aims Universalised
Nearly fifteen months of the Special Military Operation have passed and the West, blinded by its incredible hubris, continues not to listen to Russia. Yet, on 24 February 2022, the Russian Federation clearly explained the three, very limited, aims of its Operation:
1. The Liberation of the Donbass from the US puppet regime in Kiev.
2. The Demilitarisation of the Ukraine.
3. The Denazification of the Ukraine.
These were a sincere declaration of aims. However, the Collective West’s attitude of interference, financing Kiev and arming it to the teeth with the promises of over $100 billion of military equipment in the hope of destroying or ‘cancelling’ Russia completely and so breaking it up into Western-controlled colonies ripe for asset-stripping, meant that the aims had to be radically extended, indeed, universalised. We are all in the Donbass now, all awaiting demilitarisation and denazification.
1. The Liberation of the Donbass and Zaporozhie and Kherson, then Western Europe, and then the World from the US puppet regime in Washington.
Firstly, the Liberation of the Donbass (Lugansk and Donetsk) from the US puppet regime in Kiev had to be extended to the liberation of two more provinces, Zaporozhie and Kherson. This was because the Ukraine constantly threatened the independence of the Crimea, which was separated from the Donbass by those two provinces. By cutting off water supplies to the Crimea and then trying to destroy the Kerch Bridge between mainland Russia and the Crimean Peninsula, Kiev ensured that those two provinces also had to be absorbed into Russia, so creating a land bridge and security for the Crimea. Kiev brought this extension of the war aim on itself by its own aggressiveness. Moreover, the rest of the Ukraine, conveniently emptied of many anti-Russian forces or ‘refugees’ who went to live in the West – as they had long dreamed of doing – now faces the same necessary liberation.
Secondly, given the fact that UK and EU politicians (the UK and the EU are the political and economic arms of NATO) absolutely refused to show any independence and behaved as US colonies and vassals, backing the US to the hilt with military supplies for the Kiev regime and suicidal sanctions to their own detriment, the Operation has been transformed. It has now become a question of the liberation of Western Europe from the US puppet-regime in neocon Washington. For the Washington administration is itself a puppet-regime, as in reality it is controlled by billionaire arms dealers and business tycoons, who put forward two semi-identical, extremely rich puppet-candidates for election every four years, regardless of whether they are called Reagan, Clinton, Bush, Obama or Biden (several others with other names conveniently get assassinated – like the father of JF Kennedy Junior – or else removed – like Trump), and who are therefore doing very well out of the conflict in the Ukraine. This liberation of the Western world will take time, but the West is gradually liberating itself, as it realises how it is being exploited by Washington. The prime example of this is the US sabotage of the Nordstream pipelines, which it had publicly threatened to do well before it actually did so. This has brought the US no friends in Germany, Europe’s economic centre
Thirdly, this situation is leading on the diplomatic and economic front to the beginnings of the process of the liberation of the World from Washington’s deceit and exploitation. This is forthcoming through the slow but ongoing dedollarisation of international trade and close Russian co-operation with the rest of BRICS and the SCO and many new allies such as certain African and Latin American countries and Eurasian regional powers such as Saudi Arabia and Iran. Though this ambitious task is long-term and will take many years through working together with many others in the new multipolar world, the process of the liberation of the Non-Western world (87.5% of the whole world) is now well under way. Russia is leading it, for it began by liberating itself of the Western burden it had taken on itself in its inferiority complex in 1992.
The Demilitarisation of the West
Similarly, intransigent Western aggressiveness has made Moscow realise that the only solution to the problem of the Kiev regime is to go after the head of the snake, not its tail: Kiev is just a battlefield and its forces are mere cannon fodder. The brain of the snake is Washington, the head of the serpentine Western world. President Putin provided a serious hint to this over a year ago, when he said that interference by the Collective West would lead to ‘such consequences that you have never encountered in your history’. For Moscow the present situation is acceptable. This war of attrition means that the Western world is depleting its military supplies by throwing them against Russian forces with air, drone and artillery superiority. This has led to the massive destruction of NATO weapons and finances in the immeasurable black hole that is the corrupt Kiev regime.
The Denazification of the West
Similarly, the extraordinary lies about the Ukraine spewing from censored Western State propaganda mouthpieces, such as the BBC or CNN, let alone the parrots of the rest of the Western European media, are gradually being exposed for what they are. There is an undercurrent of yearning for freedom and truth from the Nazi Liberal elite media in all Western societies. Although at present only the unzombified minority is conscious of what is actually happening outside the tightly-guarded Western cocoon, that minority is day by day growing. As the lies of the Western Nazi elite increase, so does resistance to the lies and the wish for Denazification. Freedom is in the air.
Conclusion: The Failure of the Fifth Column inside Russia
The desperation of the Western elite can be seen in the drone attack/firework display over the Kremlin on the 3 May. It seemed to be directed against the Russian flag over the Moscow Kremlin. Clearly, this was not a Russian fake: you do not attack yourself and show an embarrassing weakness in your air defence system. However, whether it was a Washington provocation to force Moscow to finish the SMO asap, so it can then attack its hated enemy of China, with London organisation and Kiev puppets, or just some amateur Ukrainian sabotage group in Moscow operating alone, we do not know. Actually, it is irrelevant. What it does show is how desperate the West is for any kind of headlines in its favour.
The fact is that the Western elite had been hoping for a coup d’etat in Moscow against President Putin, just like the one it organised in Saint Petersburg in 1917 against Tsar Nicholas II. The West has completely failed. In 1917 there was a whole class of Russian elite traitors, aristocrats, politicians and generals. They exiled themselves after their failure. Today the Russian supporters of CIA agents such as Navalny, who never even obtained a minute level of support, have left. The chattering classes, in Russian called ‘the creative class’, have exiled themselves, that is, run away, to Israel, Finland, Georgia, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Cyprus, Turkey, wherever they had villas.
True, some are still left, both corrupt bureaucrats in the government, and sectarians in the Russian Church, mainly abroad, intent on destroying Church unity and who persecute those who love Russia, whatever their nationality, the best friends that Russia has ever had abroad. As the Speaker of the Russian Parliament, Viacheslav Volodin has said: ‘The bet that Washington and Brussels made on liberals, pro-Westerners and Americanophiles has been lost. Many have fled, they are abroad, where they are not necessary to their masters. They are not accepted in our country: Russia has never related well to traitors’ (1)
We are all in the Donbass now.
Victory Day, 9 May 2023
1. https://ruskline.ru/news_rl/2023/05/07/stavka_ssha_na_liberalov_provalilas
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Yes, and it feels good, too! Unlike Mr. “Texas”, I was already too old, so Donbass came to me. That’s quite fine. And expected…